2016 Blogging Goals!

I’ve been blogging for about two months now, and I’ve made so many new friends and I’ve figured out how to add widgets to my blog and save gifs properly and make good posts (I guess that’s debatable 😉 and I realize, that had I set goals I would realize how much I’ve actually done!

Without further ado, I give you…

Katereadslit’s Blogging goals for 2016!

(That’s my first banner, how did I do???)

  1. Reach 200 likes! I’ve got 63 right now, and that’s just in my first months! I’m really hoping to get more! I know it’s DEFINATELY NOT about the stats, but they’re still a part of it.
  2. Reach 100 WordPress followers! This would be a HUGE milestone. I’ve got 34 right now, and 100 feels like a TON but I want to push myself and see if I can do it, and make more friends in the process.
  3. This goes right along with the last goal- reach 50 Bloglovin’ followers. 39 to go!
  4. I want to comment on more blog posts. Book blogs are one my FAVORITE things, and it’s so neat to see how creative and awesome everyone else’s posts are!!!!
  5. Again, this goes along with the last one. I want to be following AT LEAST 30 blogs halfway through the year. I could make more, but the reason for the low number is I don’t just want to be following these people, I want to be their blog friend too.
  6. I’m not quite sure about this one happening, but I REALLY want to meet some of my book friends this year. 🙂 IT WOULD BE SO MAGICAL!!!!
  7. I’m almost certain this isn’t going to happen this year, but I want this to happen some time in my blog’s future- go to a book event! Whether it be BEA, Yallfest, Yallwest, Bookcon, a book signing or anything, I want to go and have an extraordinary time at a book event!
  8. I want to be more in depth with my posts, and just find my blog’s voice and take it farther.
  9. I want to read AT LEAST 10 books each month, and honestly I think that I can do it!!!!
  10. Although I slightly already have this, I want blog friends that weren’t my Twitter friends first! I mean, I LOVE my bookish Twitter pals and all of their support, but I’ve never had a blog friend who I talk to just as much that doesn’t come from my Twitter. 🙂
  11. I want to push my blog further out there and meet tons of more bookish blog friends. My blog is still a young one, and I just want to keep going with it and make it a bit bigger!
  12. I want to request ARCs! I don’t think ARCs are the biggest thing that can happen to a blog, but I still want to branch out and try new things. I’ve only done it once, but my chances are super slim considering how new I am. I want to do it because I think it sounds fun. (Side note: I will never become one of those blogs just in it for the ARCs. There’s a wonderful tag going around Twitter called #backtobasicsblogging and it’s pretty eye opening, especially for a newbie like me!)
  13. I want to be super proud of everything I post, and if I’m not then I’m going to take it back, and edit it until I am! I want to look at my blog and see how well I’ve grown with all of my posts, not just one!
  14. And finally, I am making a blog resolution to keep doing what I’m doing, never stop reading and never not have fun!

Thank you for reading, and I’ll be back shortly with more posts. What are some of your bookish/blog goals for the new year, and which ones of mine do you like??? : )


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