Bookish Sins Tag

I have done many bad things…

Hello! It’s Kate and I’m here to introduce a new blog/vlog tag- the Bookish Sins Tag.

I’m going to tell you 5 of the worst bookish things I’ve done, and tell you my reasons why! You have too tell me if this reason gets me out of trouble, or if there is really no way I can repent for my devilishness!

Other comments:

-Do this tag (please it’s quite fun!!

Well, here it goes. YOU SHOULD BE SCARED!!!!! (Or I guess I should??? I mean this is DEEP stuff I’m about to admit!!!!)

  • I don’t finish LOTS of books.

Hey, I at least go a few chapters in. My thing is that if you don’t like a book, put it down. Wouldn’t you rather spend time enjoyably reading what you want rather than FORCING yourself to pull through? That wastes time for other GOOD books you actually like. Also, you can always go back to it later. Besides, tons of people do this!

Have I made up for this wrongdoing? — Tell me!

  • I… *gulp* dog-ear the pages.

ALRIGHT. I never crease it super tightly, and I always bend it back. I make the ear as small as possible and it doesn’t really “hurt” the book. Damage is argueable, but it’s not a rip. Just a small fold.

Is this really OK? — Comment it!

  • I don’t like Will Herondale. (I know, I HEARD you gasp.)

I mean, I’ve only finished Clockwork Angel. I feel like I’ll slowly attach myself to him, but so far he’s moody, his decisions are gross and usually don’t make sense AND he seems kind of… cliche. I mean seriously, a slightly moody yet super good looking guy who is actually a “bad-boy” but is somehow romantic and charming????? BUT I do think that if he’s nice he and Tessa are quite cute, and I don’t ship her with Jem. I feel like Will… well, I feel like Will will get better!

Am I really still a good person? — Yes or no?

  • I’ve written in books.

Ok, this isn’t even THAT bad. If you’ve ever been to college, or even high school… ???? You should understand. Besides, I don’t typically, and I used pencil most of the time. Annotations are quite fun and I know I’m not the only one!!!

Let me off the hook please! — Will you? Then tell me!

  • Lastly, I have flat out destroyed a book before.

Alright. It was a cheap secondhand book from Half Price Books and I hardly spent anything on it! I recycled the mess, and it was also an awful book in my opinion. Besides, it’s only one copy and I really wanted to know what it felt like.

Will you still accept me in society? — Please let me know down below!

That’s it for this tag, and I tag anyone who wants to do it!!! Let me know if you do it, or even just do it in the comments. Have a good day!!!!

*I feel so guilty after writing this you don’t uNDERSTAND IT’S HARD MAN


23 thoughts on “Bookish Sins Tag

  1. I think a little bit of book destruction is okay! I think the reader’s personal interaction with the book is just an extension of the story, right? I’ve actually blogged about this topic before, in case you’re interested, with a handy quiz to figure out what condition your books are in: We’ll definitely still accept you in the blookunity (book blogging community, my personal abbreviation XD)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ahaha this post makes me giggle – I’m sure the bookish community forgives you! I don’t like Will Herondale either; I thought he was basically Jace’s twin at heart (and I didn’t love Jace either). Fantastic post! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think these are forgivable! I didn’t really like Will Herondale in the first book either, but he really grew on me, and now (after finishing the series) I really like him! Though dog-earing the pages… WHY?! JUST WHY?! Why not just use a bookmark?! XD

    This tag seems super fun! I’ll have to try it out sometime. Thanks for sharing, Kate! 😀
    Denise | The Bibliolater

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you man, I feel relieved! Like I said, I’m pretty sure I’ll end up liking him as the series goes on & I was spoiled on something huge about them!

      I know…
      I’m a MONSTER!!!!

      Yeah, I’m not quite sure why but I ??? hate bookmarks for some reason??? I think they’re cool book swag but I never use them?

      Thank you again, and if you ever do it please tag me! I’d love to see what monstrous things you’ve done!!!! *Evil emoji face here.* 🙂


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